1st Choice - MedWaste

1st Choice MedWaste offers medical waste services in Lynchburg, Roanoke, Charlottesville, and Central Virginia.

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GET A QUOTE 434-616-2401

About Us

What we offer

Biohazard Waste Removal

This includes blood and bodily fluids, tissue cultures, and items saturated in blood. Also items that are considered biohazard waste are sealed sharps containers, gloves, PPE, and gauze. Also, laboratory wastes that are contaminated or contain blood products.

Sharps Waste Removal

The EPA defines sharps waste as any item that has sharp edges or points that can cut, pierce, or penetrate the skin. This is a type of biohazardous waste that must be handled carefully and safely. Sharps must be in a secured sharps container to ensure safety.

Trace Chemotherapy Removal

Trace chemotherapy contains less than 3% of the original drug content. It also may include any material that has been in contact with a small amount of chemotherapy. The EPA characterizes trace chemotherapy as a hazardous chemical waste and therefore it must be managed as biomedical waste.

Pathological Waste Removal

This waste is a type of biomedical waste that includes human or animal body parts, tissues, organs, and bodily fluids. This can also be tissues and organs removed during autopsy, research, or other medical procedures.

Why Us

What we have created


Why 1st Choice

There are no contracts with our services. We are here to serve you! As your needs may change, you are flexible to decide what medical waste services are best for your business.


Compliance and Training

1st Choice MedWaste is committed to safety and compliance. Our staff is fully trained to meet OSHA regulations, DEQ requirements, and DOT compliance. Upon completing a service, the online manifest is stored online for 3 years. We also offer our customers training for Bloodborne Pathogens, HIPAA, Hazcom, DoT, Sharps Safety, Personal Protective Equipment, Fires Safety, and more.

Compliance Portal

Locally owned and operated

We’re a family-owned business dedicated to serving Lynchburg, Roanoke, and Central Virginia. Our services cater to healthcare facilities, educational institutions, government agencies, and more.
Need our expertise? Contact us today.